Are there any age, weight or health restrictions?

Yes, the minimum age for Tandem Skydiving is 16 with parental consent required for those under 18 (see below). There is no upper age limit.
For safety reasons, the maximum weight limit for Tandem skydiving is strictly 16 stone 5 pounds (104kg) clothed with shoes. However, it should be noted anyone over 15 stone (95kg) clothed with shoes, will be asked to pay an extra £12 to cover the additional work load for the instructor, and anyone over 16 stone (102kg) clothed with shoes an extra £24. Reasonable height to weight ratios and levels of fitness also apply – which please note, again for safety reasons, are a little more stringent for women weighing over 13 stone (83kg).
All participants are required to sign BPA Medical Form 115A on arrival. Anyone with a listed medical condition should seek qualified medical advice and certification using BPA form 115B.
Anyone under the age of 18 will require BPA Medical Form 115A to be witnessed by a parent or guardian in addition to providing parental consent on a BPA Form 106. Similar rules apply to all centres within the UK.